Federal Board, FBISE Class 10 Past Papers are available on this page. Just click on the desired subject and see the last 5 years’ papers.
BISE Federal Board Matriculation Past Papers | Latest papers
If you are looking for BISE Federal Board Matriculation Part 1 & 2 Previous Papers then you have come to the right place. This website has a huge collection of past papers of all Punjab boards and other boards of different levels and groups. The Federal Board usually conducts the SSC Part 1 and 2 annual exams in March while announcing the schedule and date sheet of these exams a month in advance. With the help of past papers students can revise their course and overcome their weakness. Here on this website students will be able to get matriculation papers of both arts and science groups and past papers of all other classes. Students can check the past papers online as well as download them using the links given below.
10th Class Compulsory Subjects Past Papers (2015-2021) |
10th Science Group English and Urdu Medium Past Papers (2015-2021) |
Class 10 FBISE All Past Papers Federal Board Updated
Federal Board is considered as one of the largest boards in Pakistan which conducts the examinations for thousands of students every year. Matric Part 1 and 2 exams are usually held in March and the board announces the date sheet for these exams in the month of February. Students who are preparing for exams can show the best results by taking help from past papers because past papers are the real way to get knowledge about how to solve papers brilliantly. Past papers are very important as they tell the students what kind of questions will be asked in the exams and how to answer them correctly. BISE Federal Board students will be able to get matriculation papers of all subjects of science and arts group here on this page. This website has a large collection of Federal Board Past Papers for the convenience of students.

BISE Federal Board Matric Past Papers | Up to Date Papers
If you are looking for BISE Federal board Matric part 1 & 2 past papers then you came to the right place. This website has a huge collection of past papers of all Punjab boards and other boards for different levels and groups. Federal Board generally holds SSC part 1 & 2 annual exams in March whereas declares the schedule and date sheet for these exams one month earlier. With the help of past papers, students can revise their course and go through their weaknesses. Here on this website, students will be able to get Matric Past papers for both the Arts and Science group and past papers for all other classes. Students can view the past papers online as well as download them by using the links given below.
The Federal board is considered one of the largest boards in Pakistan which hold the exams of thousands of students every year. Matric part 1 & 2 exams are usually held in March and the board announced the date sheet for these exams in the month of February.
Students who are preparing for exams can show excellent results by getting help from past papers as past papers are the real way of getting knowledge about how to solve the paper brilliantly. Past papers are of great importance as they tell the students that what type of questions will ask in exams and how to answer them accurately. Students of the BISE Federal Board will be able to get matric past papers of all subjects of the Science and Arts group here on this page. This website contains a massive collection of past papers of the Federal Board for the convenience of students.
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