10th Class Biology Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board.Biology is the branch of science where we study life and its components and characteristics. Biology is considered one of the most important science subjects in the 10th Class science group.10th Class Biology Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board.
Guess Paper Punjab Board 10th Class Biology
You will find these notes very useful and important. Students can also choose to practice the 2023 level 10 biological guessing questions and download the pdf. Students can also save these sample files in pdf files.In these guessing test papers, follow your board exam pattern. These useful guess papers can be used in both Urdu and English media. Students can view the level 10 bio-guessing essay in pdf format on Educatehell.com and learn about their exam model.
Table of contents
Biology Guess Paper Punjab Board 10th Class
Now, you can easily obtain these guess test papers online from the Educatehell.com website. If students practice these useful guessing test papers, they can get the highest score in the computer science exam. Download the 2023 Matric Biology Guess Paper and get good results in biology. You will see that most of the questions in the bio board exam are in these guess papers 2023. These important guess papers are created based on years of experience.
10th class biology Guess Paper / Important Short Questions
Here are the important short questions of biology class 10th chapter wise
Unit 1:
- stomata and lenticels
- functions of the nasal cavity
- functions of mucus
- difference between respiration and breathing
- what is diaphragm
- trachea
- symptoms of pneumonia and asthma
- acute and chronic bronchitis
- effects of smoking
- voice box/bronchus
Unit 2
- homeostasis and example
- difference between osmoregulation and thermoregulation
- pressure filtration
- tubular secretion
- glomerulus filtrate
- lithotripsy
- renal cortex and renal medulla
- kidney transplant
- dialysis
- kidney stone and its symptoms
Unit 3
- coordination and names of its types
- ganglions
- spinal cord and its functions
- components of coordination
- difference between stimulus and receptor
- difference between a reflex action and reflex arc
- somatic and autonomic nervous system
- myopia and hypermetropia
- define hormone and endocrine system
- pituitary gland and its functions
Unit 4
- skeleton and endoskeleton
- difference between flexer and extensor
- osteocytes
- number of bones in the axial and appendicular skeleton
- types of joins
- difference between tendons and ligaments
- what is bone? difference between compact and spongy bone
- osteoporosis
Unit 5
- reproduction and its types
- fragmentation
- multiple fission
- parthenocarpy
- benefits and disadvantages of vegetative propagation
- endospores
- pollination, self-pollination and crosss-pollination
- alternation of generations
Unit 6
- what is a trait
- define heredity with example
- co-dominance and incomplete dominance
- difference between genotype and phenotype
- difference between dominant and recessive allele
- difference between gene and allele
- artificial and natural selection
- difference between homozygous and heterozygous allele
- difference between translation and transcription
Unit 7
- define ecology and community
- define ecosystem
- define mutualism with an example
- what is acid rain and give its effects
- predation with examples
- difference between food chain and food web
- difference between ecto and endoparasites
- difference between nitrification and denitrification
- what is symbiosis
Unit 8
- What is biotechnology
- single cell protien
- what is fermentor and give it advantages
- purposes of genetic engineering
- what is recombinant DNA?
- Define fermentation
- alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation
Unit 9
- Define pharmacology and give its relation to the pharmacy.
- vaccine and vaccination
- narcotics
- hallucinogens
- sedative and its harms
- difference between analgesics and antibiotic
10th class biology important long questions
Chapter 11: The osmoregulatory function of the kidney
Chapter 11: Structure and function of nephron (internal kidney) with diagram
Chapter 11: Dialysis and it’s types.
Chapter 11: Osmoregulation adaptations in plants.
Chapter 11: Difference between xerophytes and halophytes
Chapter 11: Difference between hydrophytes and xerophytes
Chapter 12: Write a note on the neuron with a diagram
Chapter 12: Structure of the human eye
Chapter 12: Write a note of forebrain
Chapter 12: Functions of lobes of the cerebrum
Chapter 12: Explain reflex arc and reflex action
Chapter 13: Cartilage and its types
Chapter 13: Type of joints
Chapter 13: Arthritis and its types
Chapter 14: Advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation
Chapter 14: Write a note on the reproductive system of female rabbit
Chapter 14: Conditions for germination of seed
Chapter 14: Spermatogenesis and oogenosis
Chapter 16: Nitrogen cycle
Chapter 16: Biotic elements of the ecosystem
Chapter 16: Ecological Primades and their types
Chapter 16: Carbon cycle
Chapter 17: Purposes and aims of genetic engineering
Chapter 17: Steps of genetic engineering
Chapter 17: Uses and importance of biotechnology
Chapter 17: Fermenters and their advantages
Chapter 18: Sources of drugs
Chapter 18: Drug addiction and its impacts
10th class biology guess paper English Medium
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10th Class – Matric Biology Notes – Guess Paper pdf All Punjab Board
10th Class Biology Notes all Chapters pdf Download Here are the notes of all chapters of 10 class biology with short questions, definitions and solved MCQs.
Matric Biology Guess Papers 2023
Biology is the branch of science in which we study about the life, its components and features. The knowledge of biology is very vast and interesting. For the good preparation of 10th class biology, we provide 10th class biology guess paper 2023 to students on Jano.Com.Pk. These guess papers are very advantageous and as a sample give you idea for the biology board exam.
Guess Papers of Biology for 10 Class
In these guess papers, your board exam pattern is followed. The students can check 10th class biology guess paper in pdf on Jano.Com.Pk and can get idea about their exam pattern. Our experienced and able teachers tried their best and made these guess papers according to the Punjab board pattern for 10th class students. Now, you can easily get these guess papers online from Jano.Com.Pk website.
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