9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023.Guessing essays are important to ninth grade students. They include subjects such as physics, computing, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. In order to better prepare for the exam, here is the 2023 Type 9th Class Guess Paper. These guess papers 9th Class are specially made for 9th grade students. This is the best opportunity for all students in the ninth grade. Now, ninth grade students can get these important guessing test papers online from here, and can easily practice. These 9th-level guess papers are certainly very useful and important to best prepare for your 2023 board exam.9th Class 9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023.
Table of contents
9th Class Computer Science Full Guess Paper |
9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 | View-Download |
All Chapter Punjab Board 9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023
9th Class Computer Science Chapter Wise PDF |
Chapters | Chapter Name | Medium |
1 | Problem Solving | Urdu Medium |
2 | Binary System | Urdu Medium |
3 | Networks | Urdu Medium |
4 | Data and Privacy | Urdu Medium |
5 | Designing Website | Urdu Medium |
Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 9th Class
9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board. One way for smart students is to prepare all the crafty buses, then pick up guesses and revise all important questions again. For lazy students who cannot cover all the courses in class 9 and want to prepare for the question of guessing the test paper in a smart and simple way, the second one is easy. Trust me, you will get good grades, but only if you have at least all the problems.So we got the 9th guess papers for all subjects in 2023. We got the advice of the professor and the staff on board for these guesses. So I hope you can cover and read 60% of the papers, reminding all the guesses in Lesson 9. Collect all 9-level guesses and leaked papers in 2023. 9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board.
“Remember that the 9th Class Guess Paper of pure study changes every year. Paper is made every year according to the new Schedule. Therefore, this Schedule is for the 2023 year only. I will update this page for the 2024 next year”.
Guess Paper 2024 9th Class Computer Science
9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board. These 9th level quiz paper Punjabi boards are provided to students in the best representation form. Now, you don’t need to buy puzzle paper, because we are here to provide you with the best materials for free. Start practicing these beneficial guess papers and don’t waste any time. You will understand the importance of these guessing test papers in the exam. Students hurry up, it’s time to make the preparation work perfect through these guessing essays in Class 9 of 2023. You can view Type 9 guess papers in pdf format here, and you can also save them.Are you looking for 2023 level 9 computer science guess papers 2023? This is the 9th category of guessing papers in computer science. 9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board.
Computer Science Guess Paper 2025 9th Class
You can also click on the links below to access physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, civics, home economics, education, Islamiat Ikhtiyari and other guessing papers. 9th Class Pairing Scheme, Smart Syllabus and Smart Syllabus Notes can also be found here.Educatehell.com is the leading student education portal. In 2023, we have collected and sorted out the 2023 9th grade guessing test papers for 9th grade students, and strive to achieve excellent results with the least effort. Guessing always gives an idea of important and common problems, which can also save your energy and time. As we know, the test paper for lesson 9 has already started, so you can get good grades with the least effort. 9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board.
9th Class Computer Science Guess Paper 2023 Punjab Board
- Which solutions are not reached through proper algorithms or work planning?
- Prepared solution
- Candid solution
- Strategizes solution
- Best solution
- ____________ is graphical representation of an algorithm.
- Matrix
- Graph
- Flowchart
- Solution
- Which symbol in the flowchart is used to either start or end the flowchart?
- Terminal
- Connector
- Process
- Decision
- _______________ means to test if the required solution is there.
- Verification
- Algorithm
- Validation
- Flowchart
- In a__________________ error, the solution is working but not giving required results.
- Random error
- Logical error
- Syntax error
- Runtime error
- The steps for performing calculation such as adding, multiplying, dividing etc are known as.
- Output
- Processing
- Accounting
- Storing
- In a flowchart, the special shapes used to represent different steps are known as.
- Images
- Figures
- Symbols
- Icons
- A set of steps to solve a problem is known as.
- Flowchart
- Diagram
- Algorithm
- Program
- Algorithm takes input and then after processing produces some.
- Data
- Output
- Products
- Results
- In order to solve a problem, there may be.
- More than one algorithms
- Only one algorithm
- No algorithm
- Many algorithms
- Who said I would spend 59 minutes defining a problem and 1 minute to solve it.
- Issac Newton
- Einstein
- Marshall
- Alberuni
- The strategy divides a complex problem into smaller problems.
- Hide and seek
- Divide and conquer
- Check and balance
- Check and improve
- Flowcharts are considered helpful to know about the steps used to solve a.
- View
- Problem
- Sum
- Puzzle
- A graphical presentation of the steps to solve a problem is.
- Algorithm
- Flow lines
- Flowchart
- Puzzle
- In flowchart, we use…………………. To connect symbols.
- Threads
- Ropes
- Lines
- Flow –lines
- Flow-lines in between the flowchart-symbols show the flow of.
- Problems
- Steps
- Processing
- Ideas
- Define problem analysis. Explain your answer along with an example
- Suppose a problem has multiple algorithms. How would you choose the most efficient one? Explain with example
- How the strategy “Gain Background Knowledge” is helpful in defining a problem?
- What is “Draw a picture” Strategy?
- What is flowchart?
- What is meant by a problem?
- What is meant by problem analysis?
- What is meant by act it out strategy?
- Define candid solution.
- Define an algorithm and argue on its role and importance in problem solving
- Describe the importance of flowchart in problem solving
- What is the best solution to a problem
- How do you determine requirements for a flowchart?
- What is meant by problem solving? Write name of five problem solving steps.
- What are the strategies of defining a problem?
- What is terminal?
- Draw a flowchart to determine whether a given number is odd or even.
- How flowcharts are helpful in problem solving.
- Write a flowchart of wearing shoes with socks.
- For which decision symbol is used.
- Describe input/output symbol
- Define connector symbol.
- Name the flowchart symbols.
- Describe the use of flow lines. Draw its symbol also.
- Draw a flowchart to find a maximum value among three numbers a, b, and c.
- Define Problem Solving? Also write the steps to solve a problem.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the Input a number and calculate in factorial.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the LCM of two numbers.
- What is an Algorithm? What strategy should be adopted to develop and algorithm?
- Define Flowchart? Also explain the purpose of flowchart symbols use in flowchart.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the Input a number and display its factors.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the Input a year and determine whether it is a leap year or not.
- The system for representation of numeric data is known as.
- Numeral system
- Number system
- Both A and B
- Real system
- The base of decimal number system is.
- 2
- 10
- 8
- 16
- The decimal number system, the number of digits is.
- 10
- 8
- 2
- 11
- The decimal number 18, binary value is.
- 1110
- 10001
- 10010
- 1111000
- Decimal number (13)10 is equal to.
- 1100
- 1101
- 1110
- 1111
- The decimal number 18 is equal to hexadecimal number.
- F
- D
- 12
- 14
- Binary value for hexadecimal number 5 is.
- 0011
- 1110
- 0010
- 0101
- Any physical device capable of storing data is called.
- Hardware
- Device
- Memory
- Primarily there are………………… types of computer memories.
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Volatile memory is also known as.
- Permanent memory
- Primary memory
- Sensitive memory
- Costly memory
- Volatile memory holds data.
- Temporarily
- Permanently
- Occasionally
- Regularly
- Codes associated with keyboard characters are known as.
- Binary codes
- ASCII codes
- Hexa Codes
- Key codes
- ASCII (es-k) stand for.
- American style codes for information interchange
- American Standard codes for information interchanges
- American Standing codes for information interchange
- American Service codes for information interchange
- An external storage device is a…………………….. Device.
- Take and play.
- Plug and play
- Pick and play
- Start and play
- ROM, RAM and Cache are……………….. Storage devices.
- External
- Internal
- Both a and b
- Fixed
How many bits are in one byte?
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 8
- Bit stand for.
- Binary digit
- Byte digit
- Base digit
- Basic digit
- One kilo byte is equal to.
- 512 bytes
- 100 bytes
- 256 bytes
- 1024 bytes
- Who developed Boolean algebra?
- Von Neumann
- George Boole
- Charles Babbage
- Dennis Ritchie
- AND, OR, NOT are known as.
- Numerical operators
Mathematical operators
- Conditional operators
- Logical operators
- Number “17” is equal to………….. in binary system.
- 10000
- 10110
- 10001
- 10100
- Define decimal number system.
- Define non-volatile memory.
- Define ASCII Code.
- Define Storage device.
- What is meant by binary number system?
- Convert (A23)16 to binary number system.
- Define Volatile Memory
- Define RAM
- What is meant by logical operators?
- Define AND operator with its symbol.
- What is meant by external storage device?
- Difference between temporary and permanent storage.
- Define OR operator with its symbol.
- State the use of laws of Boolean algebra.
- What is meant by internal storage device?
- Define truth value
- With the help of truth table prove that: A, B = B. A
- Networks connected together to make a larger network is called.
- Local Area Networks
- Wide are networks
- Network of Networks
- Computers Network
- The most Well-known example of network of networks is.
- Local area network
- Internet
- Telephone Network
- Cable Network
- Exchange of data between sending and receiving devices through some communication medium is termed as.
- Data processing
- Data storing
- Data sending
- Data communication
- Sink is another name of.
- Receiver
- Sender
- Message
- System
- The Internet uses a layered communication model, called.
- http
- TCP stand for.
- Transport Control Penal
- Telecom control Panel
- Transmission control protocol
- Transmission control penal
- IP Stand for.
- Information Protocol
- Internet Protocol
- Internet Panel
- Internal Protocol
- Application Layer
- Data link layer
- Physical Layer
- Functional Layer
- IPV6 is an abbreviation of.
- Inter protocol vision 6
- Internet protocol version 6
- Inter panel vision 6
- Internet panel vision 6
- ISP an abbreviation of.
- Interior Service Provider
- Internal Service Provider
- Internet Service Provider
- Information Service provider
- Define communication Channel.
- What is meant by file sharing?
- What is the benefit of sharing of internet connection?
- Define Server.
- Define Data Communication.
- Name the main components of communication system.
- Who is a sender?
- Who is a receiver?
- What is meant by network of networks? Give an example.
- What is meant by File Transfer Protocol?
- For what purpose HTTP is used.
- What is meant by IP address?
- State any four benefits of networking
- Give some example of sharing of resources.
- Write the note on TCP/IP in detail.
- What is the difference between point –to-point and multipoint connection?
- What is TCP/IP? Describe its five layers with their functions.
- Define Application Sharing and write its note.
- What is the Difference between Static and dynamic IP?
- Define Communication Channel?
- Describe the Router in detail.
- What is IP address? Write its note.
- Write a note on Communication.
- The computer data may be related to.
- Credit cards
- Driving licenses
- Arrest records
- ABC all
- Illegal copies of a book, software, movie, painting etc mean.
- Privacy
- Secrecy
- Piracy
- Security
- NADRA is an abbreviation of.
- National Database and Resource Authority
- National Database and Regulation Authority
- National Database and Rules Authority
- National Database and Registration Authority
- CCTV Stands for.
- Clear Circuit Television
- Complete circuit television
- Closed circuit Television
- Compact circuit television
- The law enforcement agency of Pakistan to fight of cybercrime is.
- NR3C
- Anticorruption
- Dolphin
- What are the types of software piracy?
- What is softliftig?
- Define hard disk loading?
- Define counterfeiting?
- What is online piracy
- Define soft –lifting
- Define Client-server overuse.
- What do you mean by Data Privacy?
- Write down the name of some data security issues.
- What do you mean by confidentiality and privacy?
- Define Piracy?
- Define software piracy?
- What is the relationship between password and cryptographic keys?
- What is meant by identity theft?
- What is NR3C?
- Define phishing
- What is meant by Patent?
- What is meant by copyright law? Give an example
- What is meant by DOS attack?
- What are the types of software piracy? Write its name?
- Describe the Characteristics of good password?
- Briefly describe interim Cypher text?
- What is Patent, and why do we need to register it?
- Write note on Cyber Crime types?
- What do you mean by copyright law? Describe it with examples.
- Describe the Encryption Protects?
- To access a webpage, we sent a request to
- Web page
- Web browser
- Website
- The web browser understands HTML codes and displays content of the.
- Webpage
- Website
- Design
- Data
- HTML is an abbreviations.
- Higher Text Markup Language
- Heavy Text Markup language
- Hyper Text Markup language
- Hypertext marking language
- HTML is used to create.
- Text file
- Graphic file
- Data text
- Web pages
- Hyperlinks are used to navigate on the.
- Computer
- Network
- HTML document begins with the.
- <body> tag
- <head> tag
- <title> tag
- <html> tag
- The Icon, graphic or text I a webpage, that when clicked, takes you to some other web page is called.
- Qlink
- High link
- Net link
- Hyperlink
- A simple computer language that is used to create web –pages is called.
- Photoshop
- The properties associated with tags are called.
- Chara
- Which solutions are not reached through proper algorithms or work planning?
- Prepared solution
- Candid solution
- Strategizes solution
- Best solution
- ____________ is graphical representation of an algorithm.
- Matrix
- Graph
- Flowchart
- Solution
- Which symbol in the flowchart is used to either start or end the flowchart?
- Terminal
- Connector
- Process
- Decision
- _______________ means to test if the required solution is there.
- Verification
- Algorithm
- Validation
- Flowchart
- In a__________________ error, the solution is working but not giving required results.
- Random error
- Logical error
- Syntax error
- Runtime error
- The steps for performing calculation such as adding, multiplying, dividing etc are known as.
- Output
- Processing
- Accounting
- Storing
- In a flowchart, the special shapes used to represent different steps are known as.
- Images
- Figures
- Symbols
- Icons
- A set of steps to solve a problem is known as.
- Flowchart
- Diagram
- Algorithm
- Program
- Algorithm takes input and then after processing produces some.
- Data
- Output
- Products
- Results
- In order to solve a problem, there may be.
- More than one algorithms
- Only one algorithm
- No algorithm
- Many algorithms
- Who said I would spend 59 minutes defining a problem and 1 minute to solve it.
- Issac Newton
- Einstein
- Marshall
- Alberuni
- The strategy divides a complex problem into smaller problems.
- Hide and seek
- Divide and conquer
- Check and balance
- Check and improve
- Flowcharts are considered helpful to know about the steps used to solve a.
- View
- Problem
- Sum
- Puzzle
- A graphical presentation of the steps to solve a problem is.
- Algorithm
- Flow lines
- Flowchart
- Puzzle
- In flowchart, we use…………………. To connect symbols.
- Threads
- Ropes
- Lines
- Flow –lines
- Flow-lines in between the flowchart-symbols show the flow of.
- Problems
- Steps
- Processing
- Ideas
- Define problem analysis. Explain your answer along with an example
- Suppose a problem has multiple algorithms. How would you choose the most efficient one? Explain with example
- How the strategy “Gain Background Knowledge” is helpful in defining a problem?
- What is “Draw a picture” Strategy?
- What is flowchart?
- What is meant by a problem?
- What is meant by problem analysis?
- What is meant by act it out strategy?
- Define candid solution.
- Define an algorithm and argue on its role and importance in problem solving
- Describe the importance of flowchart in problem solving
- What is the best solution to a problem
- How do you determine requirements for a flowchart?
- What is meant by problem solving? Write name of five problem solving steps.
- What are the strategies of defining a problem?
- What is terminal?
- Draw a flowchart to determine whether a given number is odd or even.
- How flowcharts are helpful in problem solving.
- Write a flowchart of wearing shoes with socks.
- For which decision symbol is used.
- Describe input/output symbol
- Define connector symbol.
- Name the flowchart symbols.
- Describe the use of flow lines. Draw its symbol also.
- Draw a flowchart to find a maximum value among three numbers a, b, and c.
- Define Problem Solving? Also write the steps to solve a problem.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the Input a number and calculate in factorial.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the LCM of two numbers.
- What is an Algorithm? What strategy should be adopted to develop and algorithm?
- Define Flowchart? Also explain the purpose of flowchart symbols use in flowchart.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the Input a number and display its factors.
- Write a program and also draw a flowchart to find the Input a year and determine whether it is a leap year or not.
- The system for representation of numeric data is known as.
- Numeral system
- Number system
- Both A and B
- Real system
- The base of decimal number system is.
- 2
- 10
- 8
- 16
- The decimal number system, the number of digits is.
- 10
- 8
- 2
- 11
- The decimal number 18, binary value is.
- 1110
- 10001
- 10010
- 1111000
- Decimal number (13)10 is equal to.
- 1100
- 1101
- 1110
- 1111
- The decimal number 18 is equal to hexadecimal number.
- F
- D
- 12
- 14
- Binary value for hexadecimal number 5 is.
- 0011
- 1110
- 0010
- 0101
- Any physical device capable of storing data is called.
- Hardware
- Device
- Memory
- Primarily there are………………… types of computer memories.
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Volatile memory is also known as.
- Permanent memory
- Primary memory
- Sensitive memory
- Costly memory
- Volatile memory holds data.
- Temporarily
- Permanently
- Occasionally
- Regularly
- Codes associated with keyboard characters are known as.
- Binary codes
- ASCII codes
- Hexa Codes
- Key codes
ASCII (es-k) stand for.
- American style codes for information interchange
- American Standard codes for information interchanges
- American Standing codes for information interchange
- American Service codes for information interchange
- An external storage device is a…………………….. Device.
- Take and play.
- Plug and play
- Pick and play
- Start and play
- ROM, RAM and Cache are……………….. Storage devices.
- External
- Internal
- Both a and b
- Fixed
- How many bits are in one byte?
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 8
- Bit stand for.
- Binary digit
- Byte digit
- Base digit
- Basic digit
- One kilo byte is equal to.
- 512 bytes
- 100 bytes
- 256 bytes
- 1024 bytes
- Who developed Boolean algebra?
- Von Neumann
- George Boole
- Charles Babbage
- Dennis Ritchie
- AND, OR, NOT are known as.
- Numerical operators
- Mathematical operators
- Conditional operators
- Logical operators
- Number “17” is equal to………….. in binary system.
- 10000
- 10110
- 10001
- 10100
- Define decimal number system.
- Define non-volatile memory.
- Define ASCII Code.
- Define Storage device.
- What is meant by binary number system?
- Convert (A23)16 to binary number system.
- Define Volatile Memory
- Define RAM
- What is meant by logical operators?
- Define AND operator with its symbol.
- What is meant by external storage device?
- Difference between temporary and permanent storage.
- Define OR operator with its symbol.
- State the use of laws of Boolean algebra.
- What is meant by internal storage device?
- Define truth value
- With the help of truth table prove that: A, B = B. A
- Networks connected together to make a larger network is called.
- Local Area Networks
- Wide are networks
- Network of Networks
- Computers Network
- The most Well-known example of network of networks is.
- Local area network
- Internet
- Telephone Network
- Cable Network
- Exchange of data between sending and receiving devices through some communication medium is termed as.
- Data processing
- Data storing
- Data sending
- Data communication
- Sink is another name of.
- Receiver
- Sender
- Message
- System
- The Internet uses a layered communication model, called.
- http
TCP stand for.
- Transport Control Penal
- Telecom control Panel
- Transmission control protocol
- Transmission control penal
- IP Stand for.
- Information Protocol
- Internet Protocol
- Internet Panel
- Internal Protocol
- Application Layer
- Data link layer
- Physical Layer
- Functional Layer
- IPV6 is an abbreviation of.
- Inter protocol vision 6
- Internet protocol version 6
- Inter panel vision 6
- Internet panel vision 6
- ISP an abbreviation of.
- Interior Service Provider
- Internal Service Provider
- Internet Service Provider
- Information Service provider
- Define communication Channel.
- What is meant by file sharing?
- What is the benefit of sharing of internet connection?
- Define Server.
- Define Data Communication.
- Name the main components of communication system.
- Who is a sender?
- Who is a receiver?
- What is meant by network of networks? Give an example.
- What is meant by File Transfer Protocol?
- For what purpose HTTP is used.
- What is meant by IP address?
- State any four benefits of networking
- Give some example of sharing of resources.
- Write the note on TCP/IP in detail.
- What is the difference between point –to-point and multipoint connection?
- What is TCP/IP? Describe its five layers with their functions.
- Define Application Sharing and write its note.
- What is the Difference between Static and dynamic IP?
- Define Communication Channel?
- Describe the Router in detail.
- What is IP address? Write its note.
- Write a note on Communication.
- The computer data may be related to.
- Credit cards
- Driving licenses
- Arrest records
- ABC all
- Illegal copies of a book, software, movie, painting etc mean.
- Privacy
- Secrecy
- Piracy
- Security
- NADRA is an abbreviation of.
- National Database and Resource Authority
- National Database and Regulation Authority
- National Database and Rules Authority
- National Database and Registration Authority
- CCTV Stands for.
- Clear Circuit Television
- Complete circuit television
- Closed circuit Television
- Compact circuit television
- The law enforcement agency of Pakistan to fight of cybercrime is.
- NR3C
- Anticorruption
- Dolphin
- What are the types of software piracy?
- What is softliftig?
- Define hard disk loading?
- Define counterfeiting?
- What is online piracy
- Define soft –lifting
- Define Client-server overuse.
- What do you mean by Data Privacy?
- Write down the name of some data security issues.
- What do you mean by confidentiality and privacy?
- Define Piracy?
- Define software piracy?
- What is the relationship between password and cryptographic keys?
- What is meant by identity theft?
- What is NR3C?
- Define phishing
- What is meant by Patent?
- What is meant by copyright law? Give an example
- What is meant by DOS attack?
- What are the types of software piracy? Write its name?
- Describe the Characteristics of good password?
- Briefly describe interim Cypher text?
- What is Patent, and why do we need to register it?
- Write note on Cyber Crime types?
- What do you mean by copyright law? Describe it with examples.
- Describe the Encryption Protects?
- To access a webpage, we sent a request to
- Web page
- Web browser
- Website
- The web browser understands HTML codes and displays content of the.
- Webpage
- Website
- Design
- Data
- HTML is an abbreviations.
- Higher Text Markup Language
- Heavy Text Markup language
- Hyper Text Markup language
- Hypertext marking language
- HTML is used to create.
- Text file
- Graphic file
- Data text
- Web pages
- Hyperlinks are used to navigate on the.
- Computer
- Network
HTML document begins with the.
- tag
- <head> tag
- <title> tag
- <html> tag
- The Icon, graphic or text I a webpage, that when clicked, takes you to some other web page is called.
- Qlink
- High link
- Net link
- Hyperlink
- A simple computer language that is used to create web –pages is called.
- Photoshop
- The properties associated with tags are called.
- Characteristics
- Merits
- Qualities
- Attributes
- Define HTML.
- What is meant by Hypertext?
- What is meant by Markup Language?
- What do you need to create a webpage?
- What is the two section of HTML documents?
- How heading are defined in HTML document?
- How do we use an image as a hyperlink?
- Differentiate between ordered and unordered list?
- What is difference between hyperlink and anchor?
- In which software you can create a web page?
- What is extension to save HTML page.
- Write down the name of HTML tags?
- Write down the main section of HTML document?
- What do you mean by body section?
- cteristics
- Merits
- Qualities
- Attributes
- Define HTML.
- What is meant by Hypertext?
- What is meant by Markup Language?
- What do you need to create a webpage?
- What is the two section of HTML documents?
- How heading are defined in HTML document?
- How do we use an image as a hyperlink?
- Differentiate between ordered and unordered list?
- What is difference between hyperlink and anchor?
- In which software you can create a web page?
- What is extension to save HTML page.
- Write down the name of HTML tags?
- Write down the main section of HTML document?
What do you mean by body section?
If you are looking for ninth grade computer gas paper in Urdu and English medium then you are on the right website. We have assessed the best quality of 9 class computer in both mediums. Computer 9th class our important assessment paper is suitable for all Punjab Boards. Including Faisalabad,
- Define analog computer.
- Convert 1 MB into GB.
- Define application software.
- Define electronic data processing.
- Define desktop computer.
- Define Floppy Disk.
Define information.
- Define Hardware. Write names of three different hardware units.
- Define low-level language.
- Define mouse event. Write names of different mouse events.
- Define microcomputer.
- Define Output unit.
- Define Secondary Memory.
- Define pocket computer.
- Define secondary memory.
- Define the computer code.
- Define System Unit.
- Define Unicode.
- Describe a programming language.
- Describe a Computer Language.
- Describe Mother Board.
- Describe the use of data bus.
- Describe motherboard.
- Differentiate between Binary and Decimal Number System.
- Differentiate between High Level and Low Level Languages.
- Differentiate between bit and byte.
For what purpose supercomputer is usually used?
- How are computers used in retailing applications?
- Give examples of important secondary memory.
- How did microprocessor affect computer?
- How does a laser Printer Works?
- How does a dot matrix printer work?
- How does the abacus work?
- How were punched cards used?
- How integrated circuits are better than transistor?
- LCD and CRT stands for what?
- State the purpose of Seek Time.
- Name different types of system software
- State the purpose of Trackball.
- What are mouse events? Name different types of mouse events?
- What are mnemonics?
- What are Numeric Keys?
What do UNIVAC and ENIAC stand for?
- What are the advantages of using trackball instead of mouse?
- What do you know about ENIAC?
- What do you mean by computer hardware?
- What do you know about Joystick?
- What do you mean by Logic Unit?
- What do you mean by UNIVAC?
- What do you mean by system software?
- What id Difference Engine?
- What is CRT Monitor?
- What is basic difference between keyboard and type writer?
- What is decimal number system?
- What is function of Alt key?
- What is difference Engine?
- What is idea of modern stored program?
- What is number system? Write the names of two number systems.
- What is meant by computer storage?
- What is PROM?
- What is system unit?
What is PROM? For what purpose it is used?
- What is the difference between Data and Information?
- What is the difference between primary and secondary memory?
- What is the difference between Numeric and Alphanumeric Keys?
- What is the importance of Computer in Banking?
- What is the purpose of “Caps Lock Key”?
- What is the importance of computer in the field of banking?
- What is the role of computer is distance learning?
- What is the use of input unit?
- What is the use of Data Bus?
- What is the use of Microphone?
- What is the use of OCR software?
- What is the use of monitor?
- What is the use of output unit?
Which is the most powerful computer?
- What is Video Controller?
- Which technology was used in second generation of computers?
- Why CPU is important in a computer System?
- Who was John Napier?
- Why hardware is useless without software.
- Why RAM is a volatile memory?
- Why Laptop is popular?
- Write basic difference between SRAM and DRAM?
- Write down the use of microphone.
- Write down names of any four devices which are used as input and output devices.
- Write down two advantages of transistor.
- Write the use of USB port.
- Write down two negative impacts of computer and internet on society.
- Write two different uses of CD-ROM.
- Write two advantages of low level languages.
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