The annual roll number slip for BISE Dera Ismail Khan Inter 11th Class Board exams will be uploaded in June 2023, and the exams will start on July 3rd. Keep visiting our page for the latest updates.
ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان بورڈ کی گیارہویں کلاس کی رول نمبر سلپ جون 2023 کو اعلان کی جائے گی۔
The Dera Ismail Khan Board is scheduled to hold the 11th Class Examinations on 03 July 2023, but as of now, the board has not yet released any roll number slips for the exams. It is expected that the roll number slips for the 11th Class will be issued a week before the exams.
The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, BISE DI Khan is established under the directives of the Ministry of Education KPK and is responsible for managing the academic sessions for the Matric and Inter levels. For the academic year 2023, the board has already announced the exam schedule. The admission session will end by April, and the exam session will commence in May. The Inter Roll No. Slip 2023 DI Khan Board is also expected to be announced in May.
It should be noted that the education council takes approximately a month to complete the exam session, and the board ensures that the exams are conducted in a satisfactory environment. We wish all the students the best of luck for the Intermediate class final exams for the academic year 2023.
Latest Updates on 10th Class Roll Number Slips Exams 2023
The Jano.com.pk team ensures that students receive timely updates throughout their academic session. At the beginning of the session, updates are provided on the registration process, and during the admission session, information is given on the start dates of the admission application.
After the admission session ends, the school board prepares and announces the registration forms each year. Updates will be provided on time until the final announcement or approval of the 2023 Intermediate Roll Number Slip.
The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education DI Khan is ready to conduct the FS FSc Annual Examination 2023 soon. The Intermediate FA FSc ICs ICom 11th Class HSSc 1st Year Inter Part 1 Regular and Private BISE DI Khan Board Roll Number Slip 2023 will be uploaded on this page. We are pleased to inform students who have registered for the HSSC Annual Examination 2023 but have not yet received their roll number slip, that they can obtain it from the comfort of their homes.
The DI Khan Board Examination Authority sends roll number slips to regular students at their respective schools and colleges, while the roll number slips of private students are sent to their respective addresses. We provide an online download facility on the page below to help all private and regular students. Simply go to the online roll number slip portal and obtain your roll number easily. Stay tuned for the latest updates regarding the FA FSc 1st Year Roll Number Slip 2023 for the BISE DI Khan Board.
11th Class Roll Number Slip 2023 BISE Dera Ismail Khan Board
We provide students with updated registration forms for both classes, including Part I or 11th class and Part II or 12th class. The board of education conducts final exams for both classes each year. The DI Khan board announces the roll number slip for the 12th class first and also conducts the 12th class exams first. After completing the 12th class exams, the 11th class exam session begins.
Students in both classes receive the 12th Class Roll Number Slip and the 11th Class DI Khan Roll Number Slip several weeks before the exams. However, if students face any difficulty in finding their inter roll no slip 2023 di khan board within the given time, they should contact their respective institutes or school board. For the latest updates, please keep visiting our website Jano.com.pk.
The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Dera Ismail Khan, located on River Road, Dera Ismail Khan, KPK, was established in 2006. The board has jurisdiction over Lakki Marwat District, Tank, Jhuk Wazir Korai, and Dalewala. We provide timely updates on the DI Khan Board Annual and Supplementary Exam Date Sheet, Roll Number Slip, and Results. Keep visiting our website for the latest updates on the DI Khan Board Intermediate Annual Exam 2023 and the 11th Class Roll No. 2023 for the board. Although the roll number slip for the DI Khan Board Intermediate Annual Examination has not been announced yet, it is expected to be announced in the next week of this month.
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