GC University Sialkot was established in 1951.
In 1989, the college offered master courses in English, Urdu and Islamic, when it was upgraded to the Postgraduate College. In 2010, the Higher Education Department introduced a four -year Bachelor of Science Degree Program.
The college was previously known as the first female university in Sialkot, and was given its charter in 2012. The mission of the college is to create a highly skilled women manpower to meet the needs of Pakistan’s industry.
There are three faculty: administrative and administrative sciences, arts and social studies, and natural sciences. There is also a finishing school program, which aims to teach young women etiquette. This is a month -long course, which aims to enable students to work properly in social and business conditions. Students will learn ICT, communication, personality development, ethics, cooking and social waste skills.
Students can join several societies and clubs while living in college, including Debate and Media Watch as well as sports clubs.
Sialkot is a city in northeastern Punjab, which builds a golden triangle of industrial cities along with cities near Gujarat and Gujranwala.
It was the birth of a philosopher, Muhammad Iqbal, and the first Guru of the Sikhs, the house of the Guru Nanak shrine.
The Sialkot industry is famous for handcuffed fit hair, which was used in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, as well as its surgical manufacture.
Last Date Admissions FALL 2023
- Intermediate Programs – (Closing Sept 23, 2023)
- BS Programs (Morning & SSDP) – (Closing Sept 23, 2023)
- MS and PhD Program – (Closing Sept 30, 2023)
1- Staff Record:
Ms. Saima Imran (Coordinator)
Mrs. Farzana Syed (Additional Coordinator)
Haider Khalil(Assistant)
2- December Test:
Intermediate department conducts December Tests in the first week of December every year. These tests consider as send ups. Admissions send to Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala basis on attendance percentage and tests result.
3- Admission Dates:
Admission dates follow the given schedule of Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala. Admission process starts after the announcement of Matriculation result of Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Gujranwala every year.
4- Prospectus:
This year Intermediate Department issue its own Prospectus separately. Click To DOWNLOAD the intermediate prospectus.
5- Contact to Intermediate Department:
Coordinator Office: 052 9250137 Ext: 169
Clerical Office: 052 9250137 Ext: 176
BS Program (4 years degree program)
The GC University Sialkot is offering the following BS-4 Year Degree Programs duly approved by HEC, Pakistan for female students:
BS (4 – Year) Degree Program
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Department of Botany
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of CS & IT
- Department of Environmental Sciences
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Statistics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Zoology
Arts & Social Sciences
- Department of English
- Department of Fine Arts (BFA)
- Department of Islamic Studies
- Department of Political Science
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Urdu
- Department of Education
Faculty of Administration and Management Science
- Department of Business Administration : BBA (Human Resource Management, Finance and Marketing)
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Economics
Eligibility Criteria
- The candidates holding FA/FSc or equivalent qualification with at least 2nd division for overall result and 45% marks in subject.
- The candidates who have not studied Mathematics at intermediate level are not eligible to apply for BS Mathematics.
- All the candidates may apply for BS English.
- The candidates applying for Fine Arts and Design & Visual Arts will have to qualify an aptitude test.
- Age not more than 24 years.
- The candidates who have passed A-level examination shall be required to submit equivalence certificate from IBCC within three months of admission otherwise their admission will be cancelled.
- The candidate other than BISE Gujranwala shall have to submit NOC at the time of admission
- The candidates are allowed to change their major subjects on merit only within seven working days after commencement of classes subject to the availability of seat in that department and must have submitted admission form in that department at time of admission.
Reserved Seats
- A candidate can apply against both reserved and merit seat/s; however, separate application forms shall be filled or options be ticked (in case of online application).
- Merit of applicants against a specific reserved seat in a program will be determined within the given category.
- The applicant has to fulfill the general admission/minimum eligibility criteria to apply for a degree program.
- In case more than required nominations (from other provinces, army personnel seat) in a particular degree program are received, GC University Sialkot shall reserve the right to prepare the merit list within the same category as per policy.
- All admissions against inter province seats will be made through Nomination Board/Higher Education Department (HED), Govt. of Balochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, FATA, Gilgit Baltistan, and AJ & K and this may change as per the notification of the Government or province at the given point in time.
- There is no reserved seat in Self-Support Degree (replica, evening) Programs.
GC University Sialkot Admission Procedure
- The desirous candidates will sign up and fill the online Admission Form (Available on the University Website) till the closing date duly notified and advertised. Further guidelines and details of Prospectus will be available on the University Website www.gcwus.edu.pk
- Submit the personal information & all Academic details, and upload the scanned Academic credentials/required documents.
- The candidates, who wish to take admission in multiple departments, will indicate their priority wise options on form on the portal (they can tick of all programs on one form, they are interested in)
- Submit admission processing and prospectus fee through Bank account or bank draft, challan form and upload its receipt on the portal.
- The candidates would be sending original bank receipt / challan form / bank draft to the treasurer office, GCWU Sialkot through courier service immediately (the case will be processed after receiving the original proof of fee deposit).
- The submitted application(s) shall be automatically acknowledged through receipt generated on successful completion of the form which would be printable.
- The missing candidate (if any), i.e., who did not get the confirmation email, or whose receipt was not generated may contact, ITSC, GCWUS before the date of display of merit list.
- Merit list will be generated and displayed on the University website and also posted on the notice board outside the main gate of the University, according to the given schedule.
- The selected candidates will pay / deposit admission fee and other dues within the notified dates, Otherwise their admission will automatically stand cancelled.
- If any candidate of 1st merit list does not submit dues, due to any reason in the prescribed time limit, her name would be included in 3rd merit list, on the availability of seat and on the request of the candidate.
- All selected candidates included in any merit list shall present all the credentials in original, in person for verification to the respective department. Academic record will be verified by the concerned department, whereas, the financial/fee receipt will be verified by the treasurer department.
- The hard copy of the Academic credentials and duly endorsed admission form will be required from the eligible/selected candidates prior to the commencement of the classes.
- The agreement at the back of the form must be signed by the applicant as well as by the parent or guardian, scanned copy be submitted at the time of admission and original be submitted to the department afterwards.
- If at any stage after the admission it comes to the knowledge of the authorities that the documents presented by the applicant are fake or there is misstatement or clerical error, the University reserves the right to cancel admission of the said student.
MA/MSc (2 years degree program)
The GC University Sialkot is offering the following M.A/M.Sc.-2 Years’ degree programs duly for female students:
M.Sc (2 – Year) Degree Program
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Department of Botany
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Zoology
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
- Department of English
- Department of Islamic Studies
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Urdu
Faculty of Administration and Managment Science
- Department of Economics
Eligibility Criteria
- The candidates seeking admission to the MA/MSc program must have passed B.A / B.Sc. (14 years of Education) or equivalent qualification from any institution recognized by the Government with at least 2nd division for overall result, and 45% marks in subject, are eligible to apply.
- The students must have studied the major subject in B.A / B.Sc. level as elective subject (in which she is seeking admission).
- 2 marks will be deducted from (percentage of academics) marks for each late session
- Age not more than 26 years is eligible for admission in MA/MSc or equivalent.
- In case of any other relevant equivalent degree, the Equivalence Certificate from HEC shall be required.
- The candidate who has previous degree from any other institute than GCWUS shall have to submit NOC at the time of admission.
Courses of Study (MS Programs)
The GC University Sialkot offers following MS Programs for female students only.
MS Programs
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Department of Botany
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Environmental Sciences
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Zoology
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
- Department of Institute of English
- Department of Institute of Arabic & Islamic Department
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Urdu
Faculty of Administrative & Management Sciences
- Department of Institute of Business Administration
- Department of Institute of Economics
Eligibility Criteria (MS Programs )
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Botany: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have completed their 16 years (B.S. 4-year or M.Sc. 2-year) of education in relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured 2nd division under annual system.
Department of Chemistry: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have Completed their 16 years (BS 4-year or MSc in Chemistry) of education in the relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured at least 2nd division under annual system.
Department of Environmental Sciences: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have Passed BS (Environmental Science) or equivalent examination with at least 2.5 CGPA.
Department of Mathematics: The candidates seeking admission in MS Mathematics program must have Completed their 16 years (BS 4-year or M.Sc. 2-year Mathematics) of education in the relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured at least 2nd division under annual system.
Department of Physics: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have Completed their 16 years (B.S. 4-year or M.Sc. 2-year) of education in relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or securing 2nd division under annual system.
Department of Zoology: The candidates seeking admission in MS Zoology program must have Completed their 16 years (BS 4-year or MSc. 2-year Zoology) of education in the relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured 2nd division in annual system.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Department of English: Completed their 16 years (BS 4-year or MA. 2-year English) of education in the relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured at least 2nd division under annual system.
Department of Islamic Studies: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have Completed their 16 years (BS 4-year or MA. 2-year Islamic Studies) of education in the relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured at least 2nd division under annual system.
Department of Psychology: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have 16 years of relevant education or 4 years BS degree in relevant discipline(minimum 124 credit hours) after HSSC/F.A./F.Sc./Grade12 (minimum 2nd Div. or 2.5/4.0 CGPAequivalent will be required for admission.
Department of Political Science: The candidates seeking admission in BS International Relations must have Passed intermediate or equivalent qualication with at least 2nd division. Candidates who have studied civics at Intermediate level will be offered 20 additional marks.
Department of Urdu: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have Completed 16 years (BS 4-year or MA. 2-year) of education in the relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured at least 2nd division under annual system.
Faculty of Administrative & Management Sciences
Department of Business Administration: The candidates seeking admission in BS Commerce must have passed F.A/F.Sc/ICS/I.Com/D.Com or equivalent examination with at least 2nd division. ü Candidates who have studied I.Com at intermediate level will be offered 20 ad ditional marks
Department of Business Economics: The candidates seeking admission in MS program must have Completed their 16 years (BS 4-year or MA. 2-year) of education in the relevant discipline with at least CGPA 2.5/4.0 in semester system or secured at least 2nd division under annual system.
Courses of Study (PhD Programs)
The GC University Sialkot offers following Ph.D. Programs for female students only.
PhD Programs
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Department of Physics
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
- Department of Institute of Arabic & Islamic Department
- Department of Urdu
Eligibility Criteria (PhD Programs )
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Botany
- Intends to start Ph.D. program in Future.
Department of Chemistry
- Intends to start Ph.D. program in Future.
Department of Physics
- Offer Ph.D., 3-7 Year Program
Department of Zoology
- Intends to start Ph.D. program in Future.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Department of Islamic Studies
- The candidates seeking admission in Ph.D. in Islamic Studies, must fulfill HEC eligibility criteria.
Department of Urdu
- The candidates seeking admission in Ph.D. in Urdu must have 18 years of education and as per HEC guidelines.
- Candidates working in Govt. /Semi Govt. institutions have to submit NOC of concerned organizations.
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