The annual roll number slips for BISE Kohat Inter Board will be uploaded starting from June 12, 2023, and the exams are scheduled to begin on June 18. To stay updated with the latest information, please visit our page regularly.
کوہاٹ بورڈ کی بارہویں کلاس کی رول نمبر سلپ جون 2023 کو اعلان کی جائے گی۔
If you are a middle-class student studying under the Kohat school board, the Jano.com.pk team invites you to stay updated with the latest information regarding the inter-roll slip number 2023 Kohat board. The Kohat School Board conducts mid-term exams every year and is currently working on the admission session for the upcoming academic year. The admission session has three phases, and students can apply within any of these phases if they miss the initial deadline. However, students who apply under the 2nd and 3rd phases must pay additional fees or fines. The admission session for the 2023 academic year is expected to end in April, and the examination session is expected to start in July.
At the intermediate level of education, students are divided into different categories based on the program they are enrolled in, such as FSC, FA, ICS, ICom, etc. It is important to note that the date sheets and roll numbers for almost all programs are provided at the same time, and students from any program follow the same exam schedule.
It is also important for students to stay updated with the registration process for their respective programs. Additionally, it should be noted that during the academic session, the education board conducts 12th class exams first, followed by the exams for 11th class students. As a result, the matriculation number chart for 12th class students in Kohat is issued first, followed by the issuance of the matriculation number chart for 11th class students.
FA FSc Class Part 1, 2 Roll No Slip 2023 BISE Kohat Board
All students are advised that they can obtain updates on the registration form for almost all programs. Additionally, students should note that the education board conducts 12th class exams first during the academic session, followed by 11th class exams. This is why the Kohat Board issues the matriculation number chart for 12th class first, followed by the chart for 11th class.
For the latest updates on Kohat Board Inter HSSC 11th class roll number slip 2023, students can visit Jano.com.pk. The Board is preparing to provide a roll number slip for the Intermediate Annual Examination 2023, and students are advised to download their FA FSc Roll Number Slip 2023 from this webpage. An announcement from the board states that soon all private and regular students will be able to access their FA FSc Part 1 and 2 roll number slip 2023 for the BISE Kohat Board here.
The BISE Kohat Board Intermediate FA FSc Exam will be held in April-May, and we will notify you after the official announcement. The 12th and 11th-grade roll numbers are very important, so students must work hard to get good marks.
2nd Year Roll No Slip 2023 BISE Kohat Board
In this section, we will provide some important guidelines and references for obtaining results for the year 2023. Students should continue to study for their exams and always be ready to take them. The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, BISE Kohat, has been responsible for educational matters in its area since 2002, covering the districts of Kohat, Karak, and Hangu, as well as the Kurram and Orakzai agencies. A large number of students have obtained their degrees from this board. The main purpose of the board is to conduct matriculation and intermediate examinations for their affiliated schools and colleges. The chairman of BISE Kohat Board is Brigadier (Retd) Talat Imtiaz Naqvi.
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