12th Class English PDF Notes 2023 All Chapters.12th Class of these English notes is organized in a way to promote self-study by students. Our help materials have exercises and quizzes at the end to cultivate the learning ability of second-year students. In the 12th Class, our focus will only be on 12th Class English Notes, but will expand to all the topics of that topic bit by bit.12th Class English Notes 2023 All Chapters. In addition, we recommend that students solve the given exercises at the end of the 12th Class English Notes in Part 2 of F.SC by themselves.12th Class English Notes 2023 All Chapters.
Comprehensive Guide to English Notes for 12th Class Punjab Board Students
Introduction: Are you struggling with English notes for 12th class Punjab Board? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover all the important topics and concepts that you need to know to ace your English exams.
English Notes All Chapters 12th Class
They will realize their shortcomings. According to these ideas, they will definitely get good grades in the classroom tests and eventually perform well in the exams. Besides, if students don’t answer the questions and don’t solve the problems, they will definitely fail in the exams.Finally, students can ask any questions, any questions about English Notes F.SC Part 2, they can ask without hesitation, and we will try our best to answer all your questions. By asking questions, many students can also benefit from it.
“Remember that the 12th Class Notes of pure study changes every year. Paper is made every year according to the new Schedule. Therefore, this Schedule is for the 2023 year only. I will update this page for the next year”.
All Chapters 12th Class English Notes
Information exchange is always helpful to everyone. We wish every student who has through the critical stage of the exam good luck.Level 12 English study notes 2023 are add after the start of your study course, you must prepare for the exam and don’t waste a day. This is because in order to reach the end of the game first, you have to take a step forward from the starting point. Well, if you are also looking for the same purpose and want to know here and there, then you will be notified that you have reached the safe hands. Here, we provide almost all potential resources that can guide you to a good exam practice or preparation level.
12th Class English Notes All Chapter
Sr. No. | Lesson Name | Download Link |
1 | The Dying Sun | View-Download |
2 | Using the Scientific Method | View-Download |
3 | Why Boys Fail in College | View-Download |
4 | End of Term | View-Download |
5 | On Destroying Books | View-Download |
6 | The Man Who was a Hospital | View-Download |
7 | My Financial Career | View-Download |
8 | China’s Way to Progress | View-Download |
9 | Hunger and Population Explosion | View-Download |
10 | The Jewel of the World | View-Download |
11 | First Year at Harrow | View-Download |
12 | Hitch Hiking Across Sahara | View-Download |
13 | Sir Alexnder Fleming | View-Download |
14 | Louis Pasteur | View-Download |
15 | Mustafa Kamal | View-Download |
How to get 12th Class English Notes 2023 All Chapters
Provide students with online study notes through the complete sequence. For example, this page provides you with notes in English. Urdu is one of the compulsory courses of intermediate education. In addition, you can find study notes 2023 for grade 12 English notes and notes for mathematics grade 12 and all other science and art subjects. So, don’t waste your time reading these notes, because they will help you get the highest score in the exam.At the level of secondary education, English has made some progress.
2nd year English Notes Punjab board
Lesson 1 (The dying sun)
Q. 1 (How is it that a …….. )
Q. 2 (What happened when …….. )
Q. 3 (Why is there no life …….)
question 1 (What is planetary system?)
Question 2 (What are stars?)
3 Question (What are planets and how did they come into existence?)
Extra Question 4 (How did our earth come into existence?)
Lesson 2 (Using the Scientific method)
Q. 1 (How has the scientific method helped …….)
Q.6. (How has the scientific method helped …….)
Details are in pdf version
Lesson 3 (Why boys fail in college)
Q. 2 ( How does mistaken ambition …. )
Q. 4 ( How does financial pressure ……. )
Q.5 see pdf file
Extra Questions 1 (What are two types of boy who fail in college?)
Lesson 5 ( On Destroying books)
All exercise questions
Lesson 7 (My financial career)
Q. 2 (Why did the manager come to think ……. )
Q. 4 (What other blunders Leacock commit …… )
Q. 5 (After misadventure in the bank …….. )
Lesson 9 (Hunger and population explosion)
Q. 1 ( What does hunger mean on ….. )
Q. 4 ( What is main reason for ……. )
Q. 8 (Why Is birth rate not so ……. )
Lesson 11 (First year at Harrow)
Q. 3 (Why did not Churchill do ….. )
Q. 4 (How did Churchill do his …… ) OR How did Churchil perform in his entrance exams at Harrow?
Q. 7 (In after years how did …… )
Extra question 1 (Why did Churchill dislike examinations?)
Lesson 14 (Luis Pasteur)
Q. 2 (Give some instances of ……. )
Q. 3 (What do you mean by ….. )
Q. 4 (How did Pasteur prove that ….. )
Lesson 15 (Mustafa Kamal)
Q. 4 (Write a note on Mustafa Kamal’s ….. )
Q. 1 (What was the attitude of ….. )
Goodbye Mr. Chips important Chapters
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11 and 13
Important Essays
1. Patriotism
2. My Aim in Life
3. Corruption
4. Why I love Pakistan
5. Importance of Muslim unity
6. Pollution
7. Place of Women is society
8. Life in A Village
9. My first day at college
10. Uses and abuses of mobile phones
11. Energy crisis
12. A cricket match
13. The Holy Quran
14. My Hobby
Important Idioms and phrasal verbs
A cat’s paw, above board, A narrow escape, maiden speech, A man of straw, at eleventh hour, at length, at sixes and sevens, at daggers drawn, at large, bad blood, call in, bread and butter, beat about the bush, break the ice, carry on, carry out, give away, get through, break away, break out, bag and baggage, for good, cold blood, dark horse, give in, put down, bring up, white elephant, above board, a queer fish, back out, bird’s eye view, better half, carry the day, call a spade a spade, every inch, get rid of, hold water, null and void, rainy day, put on, carry off, come by, come across, draw a blank, end in smoke, fall out, in black and white, die in harness, heart and soul, pass away, put off, rainy day, smell a rat, lion’s share.
Overview of 12th Class English Notes for Punjab Board
In this section, we’ll provide an overview of the English notes for 12th class Punjab Board. We’ll cover the syllabus, exam pattern, and important dates that you need to keep in mind.
Detailed Notes on Literature
In this section, we’ll provide detailed notes on the literature portion of the English syllabus. We’ll cover important topics such as poetry, prose, drama, and novel. We’ll also provide analysis and interpretation of the most important literary works that you’ll be tested on.
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